Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Evaluation feedback

Mark: 7/10
Grade: C+

WWW: You’ve met the requirements of the task and posted a video alongside a very solid evaluation.

The video has real potential despite the obvious flaws. The opening is engaging and throwing the audience straight into the fight works really well. Certain shots such as the POV punch to end it show both creativity and technical expertise. Your evaluation is quite extensive and offers some honest assessment of the strengths and weaknesses. The strongest aspect of the evaluation by some distance is the specific analysis of certain aspects of film language alongside the exact timing from the film (e.g. lighting; sound). You also acknowledge the weaknesses of the production.

EBI: There are still definite areas to improve in both the video and evaluation. In terms of the video, despite the creative potential you haven’t quite met the original brief – and you do break the 180 degree rule once. As you discuss in the evaluation, the audio levels mean it is impossible to follow any kind of narrative. This is not a major issue – it’s exactly why we do the preliminary exercise. But you do need to make sure you learn from this!

For the evaluation, you need to think about structure and planning. For your first paragraph, you spend a lot of time appearing to write about how good your planning was before throwing in a sentence at the very end of the paragraph saying you didn’t put in any effort. It suggests a lack of thought and structure to your ideas.

Still on structure, your next paragraph evaluating the actual production is nearly 800 words – you NEED to organise your ideas and use paragraphs effectively.

Finally, the first half of your evaluation contains far too much description. In an evaluation, don’t describe what shot-reverse-shot is, analyse your use of it and the effect on your audience. You do this much better in the second half when looking at lighting and sound.

LR: Write a list of FIVE things you will do differently for the main coursework and evaluation as a result of your experience of the preliminary exercise and the feedback you have received above.
The five things I will do differently for the main coursework and evaluation are 
  • I will need to communicate well with my group members in order to understand fully about everything
  • As a group, we all need to be organised and plan well before our production
  • For the evaluation, I will need to think about the way I structure my ideas in paragraphs. It is quite misleading to the teachers and myself. 
  • Also, I will need to shorten down the repetition with the same ideas and perhaps think more briefly about the rights and the wrongs. 
  •  Lastly, I will need to think about the organising of my ideas and paragraphs and how i can use them effectively. 

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