The main character who is Natalie played by Sophie will appear on the front cover of my programme.
2) What image or images do you need for the contents page?
I just need individual pictures of the Daniel and Sophie which I will edit for my contents page to make it look more interesting.
3) What image or images will you use for the double-page spread?
I will need and use an image of Sophie looking in another direction but also not at the camera.
4) Write a shot list for the photoshoot. Make sure you plan a variety of camera shots you will look to capture - medium shots, close-ups etc.
- Medium shots of Sophie looking away, looking at the camera
- Also, medium close up shots of Sophie
- Medium and close up shots of the whole group together
- Close up and Medium shots of each individuals
5) What costume, props or make-up will you require for the photoshoot?
The costume required in the photoshoot would be casual clothing with no props and make up.
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