Monday, 10 October 2016

Reflecting on LR

Post this in a new blogpost on your MEST2 Coursework blog and complete the LR tasks/questions below.

WWW: There is some really impressive work on your blog already – well done! I really enjoyed reading your posts so far and there’s a lot to give credit for: consistent use of media language, clear engagement with the texts and also it’s great to see understanding and application of what we’ve learned in the film language unit so far. This is a very positive start to the course.

EBI: There are still many aspects we need to work on and you do have a few bits missing or incomplete that we need to keep an eye on. The workload in AS Media is significant and it’s vital you stay on top of it – as long as you’re putting in the five hours or work outside of lessons you’ll be fine. The incomplete work: lighting – Film Noir research is extremely short and doesn’t include a clip with accompanying analysis; Sound LR – you haven’t discussed who you thought produced the top three sound videos and why.

In terms of the work you have posted, you are picking out some interesting details but overall you will need significantly more depth to your analysis in order to reach the higher grades in AS Media. Be very careful that you are not simply describing scenes or still images rather than analysing them – it’s crucial you go way beyond denotation and discuss the impact the media language choices have on the audience. Similarly, think carefully about film genre – often you are accurate but when you’re not sure you seem to fall back on action. Look at the Uzak poster again – is there anything on there that really suggests action? You need to be careful here. Written English is another area to look at - you need to communicating accurately at all times (you’ve confused there/their in a couple of places). The other aspect of written English is paragraphing – in some of your more extended blogposts you write in one huge paragraph (e.g. Batman v Superman still image analysis). This makes it very difficult to follow your points and also judge whether you are examining each individual aspect of the text in sufficient detail. Overall, a good start but still plenty for us to work on over the next few months!

LR: Firstly, make sure you catch up with the missing work by the end of this week. Then, for your LR, reflect on your first month of Film Language. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

LR Response

Reflecting on the first month of film language, i think i did quite well with catching up with the work and knowing media language. With all my works that i published to my blog, i think the amount of it was huge meaning that i went in depth with my explanation in some of my work. However, i could have went in more depth and explained certain things more briefly and using more media language. I could have also done most of my works on time and not publish works later than the due date. 

In the first month of Film Language, i think my strongest piece of work was the analysis i had to do for the lighting for each film posters. I think i explained in depth about the lighting for each posters. 

I think my weakest piece of work was probably the film Noir work where i had to research film noir and write down information about it. The reason why i think it was the weakest is because it was too short and it lacked brief analysis so I will need to find more information and to analyse better. 

The specific skills i need to develop over the rest of the course is to use more media terminology and to link everything with media language. This is important as i will need to explain everything including media language to make it understanding. I will need to be more in depth with my analysis meaning that i will need to evaluate my analysis and explain more. 

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