Blade Runner
1) From the poster of the movie "Blade Runner", it looks as if the movie includes robots that were created by a man but then turned out to be a corruption. This is shown through the tagline "man has made his match...now its his problem" suggesting how he has created something but then it turned out to be a regret and a corruption. To conclude, it looks like its about robots that try to cause destruction in the world which then the main character has to protect the world from the robots.
2) Through the Iconography in the movie poster, i can clarify that the movie is Science fiction movie. The iconography of blue lights is one of the main things you expect to see in every science fiction movies. Moreover, the movie looks as if it is set in the future through the buildings which have not been created yet in the present world. This movie looks like it has more than one genre which also could be Film Noir. The image of the strong looking independent woman holding a cigar shows her dominance.
3) Considering the iconography of violence through the gun, It may be targeted more at teenagers that are aged between 15 to 18.
Additionally, science fiction movies are mainly more watched by men therefore, from the movie poster, it looks as if it would appeal to men more than women as a man is positioned as the central image. Due to this, I would state that 60% male and 40% female will appeal to this movie as there is a strong independent looking woman who is also as the central image.
Through the movie poster, it looks as if more white people than any other ethnicity are bound to watch this movie because of a white man and a white woman being as the central image which reinforces the stereotype of white people always being the main character of a film.
Moreover, more percentage of higher class people are bound to watch this as this movie looks like it contains elements of wealth.
Lastly, the interest of the target audience would be that they love to investigate suspicious things or like to create new technologies.
Scary Movie 2
1) From this poster, it looks as if the movie could be about people that get trapped in a haunted house or hotel which is shown through the background; the huge door indicates a hotel perhaps. Through the quote on the top, it shows how the movie is going to be a parody like movie because the title of the movie is a complete different meaning to the quote on the top of the poster. To conclude, this movie could be about people that are trapped in a haunted hotel and are haunted down by ghosts.
2) I think that this movie could be a hybrid which includes a Horror and a Comedy genre which at the end makes it a parody as horror films don't mainly contain comedy. The title "Scary Movie" is a abnormal thing as many horror films don't give it away in their titles which signifies how this movie contains another genre. The font of the title is a heavy and huge suggesting the danger within the movie. Moreover, the quote "Absolutely Hilarious" gives a huge hint on how the movie is going to be a comedy - Horror movie. Lastly, the quote on the woman's t-shirt, "I love dead people" suggests how there are going to be many killings in the movie. Furthermore, the colour red on the title shows is a indication of danger, blood and death. This shows how the movie fits into the horror genre well but the tagline "more shameless" connotes how the characters in the movie are going to be very stupid and hilarious and this forces the movie to fit into the comedy genre as well.
3) Through the iconography of horror elements, the target audience for this movie would mainly be teenagers that are aged from 15 to 18. Teenagers aged 15 to 18 mostly are bound to watch a horror movie and in order to understand and be intrigued by this movie, they should watch horror movies to know the references of this movie.
I would proclaim that both gender would be appeal to this kind of movie as they both watch horror movies and would want to watch a parody. Considering this, i can state that approximately 55% male and 45% female that will want to watch this as the central image contain both female and male meaning no one gender main character.
The target audience of this movie love to watch horror movies in order to understand and enjoy a horror parody movie.
1) In the movie poster, I can see a solitary unknown man in a village that looks to be destructive or abandoned. Moreover, there can be seen a smoke coming out of nowhere which looks to be like a Factory. Additionally, the central image is facing towards the factory which could suggest his will to work there. But, the man looks rather weak and hurt which could suggest that he perhaps worked there and lost his job which is the reason why he is standing alone looking isolated. Moreover, the font of the title looks very strong and huge but the title has a shadow behind it suggesting how the movie could be about the man starting off great in life but then soon, his life starts to get miserable.
2) By looking at the movie poster, it looks as if it could be in a action genre due to the heavy fonts and the abandoned village maybe suggesting how there has been a war or something. However, it also looks to be a drama film because it looks as if this movie is only going to be focused on the mans life and his adventure. To conclude, i think that this movie can fit into the action genre as well as drama.
3) The target audience's age for this movie is going to vary from 15 to over 25 as it seems to be a movie about elderly life. Moreover, the poster looks quite terrifying which forces me to understand that only 15 and older are able to watch it.
From the central image, its a man which indicates how the main character is going to be a man. The main character being a man will attract more male than female. Approximately, I would state that 70% of the male will watch this and 30% of the female will watch it.
I'm not scared
1) The iconography of a little young innocent looking boy looking down into a deep hole suggests how this movie could be about the boy falling into a deep hole. The title "I'm not scared" suggests how the boy fell into the deep hole and he luckily survived. Moreover, it signifies how the boy is fearless of what he saw and experienced in the deep hole.
2) This movie poster has denotations of what a typical horror movie poster would have. Firstly, the word in the title "scared" gives away a hint that it is going to be a horror movie. Moreover, the boy is looking down into deep dark hole; the fact that the hole is dark suggests what kind of creatures or spirits could be in there. Additionally, the font of the title looks huge to suggest how terrifying this movie is. To conclude, I think this movie is a horror genre movie due to the iconography of typical horror elements.
3) Even though the central image is a little kid, the movie still looks as if it should be for 12 years of age and older because of the horrifying deep hole, colour scheme and the fonts that make it look like a horror movie.
I think male are bound to watch this movie more than female because many males love to watch horror movies such as this. So, I would say that 65% male and 35% female due to the main character being a male.
Sin City
1) On the poster, the central image of a man that looks to be wearing smart clothes which forced to think that this movie might be something about a secret detective conflict. The shot of the central image is a low angle shot which suggests how the character could be the dominant one in the movie; the one that is the main character. The women and the men behind he main central image look as if they are all in a team also signifying how they always stick together. But however, the image of the alone fan on the bottom o the poster suggests how he doesn't need no one - signifies how strong and fearless he is. The colour of the title suggests how this movie is mainly going to be showing crime and action. To conclude, I think that this movie is about detectives that are in a war with other agents perhaps.
2) The genre i think this movie could be is an action genre as well as film noir and Femme Fatale. Firstly, i think this movie could be in the action genre because of the iconography of the guns and swords being held by the people which shows violence. Moreover, the colour "red" is a indication of blood and the fact that the title is coloured red could connote that the movie includes many violence and blood. Additionally, the colour scheme is mainly black which shows mystery within the movie which links with detectives. It also shows elegance within the characters and but also shows evil which forces me to understand that this movie might be in the action genre. However, I also think that this movie could be in film noir genre too as there are two women that look significantly lethal. With the low angle shot and the colour scheme, it forces me to think that women could be used to seduce or kill men in the movie.
3) With the movie poster looking as if it includes many action scenes and bloods, i think that the age of the target audience could be appropriate for people that are older than 18.
Though way more men are bound to watch action films, i think that 65% of men will watch this and 35% of women will watch this because of the main character being a male which will attract more men rather than women. However, there are also 2 women on the poster which will attract a little more women.
Pirates of the Caribbean
1) The title shows that the movie will be about pirates that perhaps fight to stay alive as we can see destruction of ships on the poster. This could also suggest that there is a conflict between pirates. The title "Dead man's chest" could suggest how the main characters are probably on the hunt for the man that killed someone perhaps. Jack Sparrow looks to be the most fearless and lethal character in the movie through his grin which shows his lack of hesitance and fear when being in a fight perhaps. From this, i can infer that Jack Sparrow could be the pirate that is the main character and is there to protect and save innocent people's lives from the wicked one.
2) From the poster, i can say that this movie could be in a action genre because of the destruction image shown on the picture of the ships floating down. It makes it look rough. Moreover, the skull in between the title show how the movie will contain a lot of action scenes. Skulls are indication of danger and death. However, i also think that this movie is an adventure movie as i think that the title "Dead man's chest" suggests how they could be on an adventure to find the killer of a man perhaps.
3) I think that people that are aged over 18 are most appropriate and are bound to watch this movie as it looks like it includes a lot of violence and blood. Moreover, there is a woman which is quite unusual as we don't see women in many violent movies but her presence shows how there could be inappropriate scenes between her and the man in the middle which makes the target audience to be a older audience.
I would state that more men are bound to watch this movie just because of the deadly iconography on the poster. Perhaps, 70% male and 30% female, female won't really take interest in watching violence and blood.
1) On this movie poster, the iconography of a man and a woman together could signify how this movie could be about their love story. Moreover, in the background, people look as if they are celebrating which could suggest how they were destined to be together perhaps. Moreover, it could also connote that they could be having a wedding since their love is too much. Additionally, the comment on the top gives away the plot of the movie on how its going to be a love parody movie.
2) The genre of the movie is certainly given away on the poster where it says "spectacular, romantic, funny and so sexy". This signifies how the genre of the movie is going to be a romantic comedy movie. Moreover, the font of the title looks quite funny as it isn't lined up properly which has a synergy with the comedy genre. Additionally, with the man and the woman standing next to each other, it could suggest that they have feelings for each other which forces the movie to be in the romantic genre too.
3) I think the genre for this movie would be U because i think that it's appropriate for many to watch as it looks as if it doesn't include any violent content.
Moreover, the gender wise is going to be more women to watch this movie as romantic films are mainly appealed by women. I would say that 65% women and 35% men that will watch these kind of movies.
Million Dollar Baby
1) The woman as the central image looks to be dressed as a sport athlete which could signify how this movie could be about her and her sport career. She looks to be strong and fearless as her whole body is facing the other way forcing the viewer to understand the danger she is capable of creating. She is covered in white and black colour which could suggest how her personality is. Moreover, it could also suggest how strong she is. There are 2 men in the background and one of them could be her coach or trainer whereas the other could be her boyfriend.They both look agitated and miserable which could suggest how they don't want her to be doing what she is doing. Furthermore, her back looks masculine which supports the idea of how she likes to fight or exercise perhaps.
2) The fact that she looks masculine could suggest that she loves to exercise or fight. The genre looks to be action although it may also be a sport action movie. This is evident through the clothe that shes wearing, her masculinity and her pose; many boxers or ufc fighters pose like that. Through her masculinity, there must be action scenes within the movie. Further justification, she looks rather angry.
3) The target audience age for this movie could be 15 and older as there will be fights and bloods shown in the movie.
The gender separation would be that more percentage of men will still watch this movie even though, the main character looks to be a woman. Men are just more into fighting and action and that is what they love to watch and be entertained by as well.
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