· 3 minute rough cut status: 30 seconds delivered
currently, more filmed but not yet edited.
Comments on current filming: most aspects of
continuity editing pretty good but the conversation doesn’t feel natural – the
timing isn’t right. Two options here – re-edit and give the conversation a bit
more space and time so it feels more natural. Secondly, you could re-shoot the
scene, it’s not long and you may well find you significantly improve the shoot
having edited the sequence once. Also, be careful with audio levels – they are
pretty good for an external scene but any worse would seriously impact on the
professional finish of the film and the possibility of a top level mark.
If you do re-shoot you should also try and use
the 50mm lens to add high quality cinematography to the production (and make it
more arthouse too).
Other scenes: hospital scene shot. House scene
to be filmed this week (be careful of light). Daniel scenes shot but probably
same issues as rough cut so worth considering re-shoot there.
Re-shoot will need to be this Saturday to allow
editing of full 3 minute rough cut for this time next week.
Next steps: get everything shot or re-shot by
the end of Saturday this week (18 March).
Put together a rough rough cut for next Monday’s
lesson followed by a pretty strong rough cut (probably only needing audio and
minor adjustments) for the following Friday’s lesson.
Print – work on this individually in free
periods/after school as required.